SAR 37,000 + VAT






AGE 18 - 38



SAR 37,000 + VAT




You will have direct feedback coaching from expert coaches and mentors.


A comprehensive Training manual and Assessment tests will be provided.


A prestigious certification of achievement will be provided. With this certification we offer job opportunities.


The opportunity to study and practice what you have learned with a group of like-minded peers.


Personalized scorecard for your measurement & growth. 






This professional development training course will give you an enormous wealth of knowledge and practical skills you need to STEP UP and become an extraordinary leader. In order to produce outstanding results in your life and business, this is an opportunity to optimize and maximize your current abilities and talents to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be. 





This professional development training course will give you an enormous wealth of knowledge and practical skills you need to STEP UP and become an extraordinary leader. In order to produce outstanding results in your life and business, this is an opportunity to optimize and maximize your current abilities and talents to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be. 




Saudi Youth Leadership (SYL) is a one-year sponsorship program that contains two comprehensive and intensive virtual coaching sessions per month delivered by a qualified expert mentor, coach, or a world-class leader.

⚪  Two Virtual Coaching Sessions per month

⚪ Course Calendar Provided

⚪  Interactive sessions from 7-9 PM (Riyadh Time) delivered via Zoom

⚪  You must be eligible for sponsorship to enter this course 

Check Eligibility Here



Saudi Youth Leadership (SYL) is a one-year sponsorship program that contains two comprehensive and intensive virtual coaching sessions per month delivered by a qualified expert mentor, coach, or a world-class leader.

  • Two Virtual Coaching Sessions per month
  • Course Calendar Provided
  • Interactive sessions from 7-9 PM delivered via Zoom
  •  You must be eligible for sponsorship to enter this course 
Check Eligibility Here


PART I (JUN 12 from 7-9PM)

Selling is Serving. Learn to master the art of selling and serving your customers in the most resourceful ways. Serving to many will lead to greatness.

PART II (JUN 26 from 7-9PM)

Understanding your Customers. Learn to put yourself in a growing market, and create the right products and services that the market wants and needs so you can grow exponentially.

PART I (JUL 10 from 7-9PM)

Your Emotional Home. Learn to access the most powerful asset that is already within your reach, “Your Emotions.” Learn how to master your empowering emotions.

PART II (JUL 24 from 7-9PM)

Your Action Signals. Learn to take advantage of your disempowering emotions and the ones that disturb you most. You can leverage the pain and say; Never again!

PART I (AUG 7 from 7-9PM)

Creating a compelling vision for your financial success. Learn to implement the new psychology of money and build a new relationship with it that can serve you and those you love.

PART II (AUG 21 from 7-9PM)

Adding more Value. The only way to become truly wealthy is to add more value to people’s lives more than anyone else is adding. In this module, you will learn how to do that.

PART I (SEP 4 from 7-9PM)

Without a vision, people will leave you. Learn how to create an inspiring vision and share it with the key people who need to know you more and support you to succeed.

PART II (SEP 18 from 7-9PM)

Decide, Commit, Act. Learn how to build your decision-making muscles that can inspire yourself as well as your team and customers. Commit to true success and take massive action.

PART I (OCT 9 from 7-9PM)

The power of selection. This is one of the most important aspects of success in any area of your life. Learn how to select the right fit team that can and will do the job smoothly.

PART II (OCT 23 from 7-9PM)

Empower and engage. Learn to motivate your team on a regular basis by sharing some strategies and methods that can help them achieve their daily missions and tasks.

PART I (NOV 6 from 7-9PM)

From Surviving to Thriving. Learn how to implement a proven business model that can help you stay on track and produce measurable results in a reasonable time.

PART II (NOV 20 from 7-9PM)

From Operator mindset to Owner mindset. Learn how to shift your psychology and move to a whole new era that can serve you more free time and more financial success.

PART I (DEC 4 from 7-9PM)

Rapport is Power. Learn one of the most important lessons of life, business, and leadership called “Rapport.” This skill can save you tons of time, frustration, and loss of money.

PART II (DEC 18 from 7-9PM)

The 3 keys to a successful negotiation. Create a compelling vision, make some powerful decisions, and take massive action to succeed in any negotiation scenario.

PART I (JAN 8 from 7-9PM)

The 7 steps to fundraising. Learn the seven master steps you need in order to raise the capital required to take your business to a whole new level.

PART II (JAN 22 from 7-9PM)

Angel Investors Vs Venture Capitalists. Learn the major differences between the two personalities and how to influence each of them with your product, service, or idea.

PART I (FEB 5 from 7-9PM)

The four levels of leadership and discovering what type of leader you are currently and creating your new identity as a leader.

PART II (FEB 19 from 7-9PM)

Understanding the psychology of leadership and learning to model outstanding leaders and their strategies for success.

PART I (MAR 5 from 7-9PM)

Learn to create a new STRUCTURE in your speaking engagements so you can persuade and influence your audience more powerfully than ever before.

PART II (MAR 19 from 7-9PM)

Emotional Engagement. Learn how to connect with any audience in a matter of seconds. This skill will make a difference in the quality of your work and your life.

PART I (APR 9 from 7-9PM)

Selecting the right career. This is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life and during this course, you will learn how to do it right.

PART II (APR 23 from 7-9PM)

Self-Coaching and Habit Tracking. Learn how to coach yourself first before you start coaching and guiding others. You will master some powerful coaching tools that will impact your community.

PART I (MAY 7 from 7-9PM)

Study the culture of the most successful companies in the world. Learn about the firms of endearment and how to implement them in your own company or work environment.

PART II (MAY 21 from 7-9PM)

Attitude and Competencies. Learn about the Values and beliefs of the most successful employees and what makes them enjoy their work and produce outstanding results.



The mission and purpose of this BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP COURSE  is to give you a new VISION and more choices about your future and the amazing opportunities in front of you.

If you want to have more freedom of TIME and MONEY, this course will be a great awakening for you to leverage the resources you already have within your reach.

We will provide you with the proven educational tools and strategies you need to succeed as a young leader. You will be inspired to STEP UP and start the journey to become a world-class communicator and influencer.

During this course, you will implement a new psychology as a leader and the decisions you need to make your life a masterpiece.

If you have the WILL to succeed and inspire others, we have the tools to support you on your journey to success and achievement. Book your virtual interview for sponsorship.



⚫  Lack of a clear Vision for Whom you want to become.

⚫  Weak decision-making muscles for your success.

⚫  Lack of self-discipline & motivation to take action and just do it.

⚫  Poor habits and weak psychology about MONEY.

⚫  You are not happy, but not unhappy enough to do something.

⚫  Procrastination and lack of motivation to gain new skills.

⚫  Not having a successful role model or Coach to support you.

⚫  Not having a business mentor who had been there done that.

⚫ You are not dreaming big enough. Your dreams are not moving you. 




  • Lack of a clear Vision for Whom you want to become.
  • Weak decision-making muscles for your success.
  • Lack of self-discipline & motivation to take action and just do it.
  • Poor habits and weak psychology about MONEY.
  •  You are not happy, but not unhappy enough to do something.
  • Procrastination and lack of motivation to gain new skills.
  • Not having a successful role model or Coach to support you.
  • Not having a business mentor who had been there done that.
  • You are not dreaming big enough. Your dreams are not moving you. 



  • You will get some business education and anticipate the road ahead.
  • You will gain massive confidence in your communications.
  • You will learn to inspire and motivate yourself and your team daily.
  • You will learn to handle frustration, rejection, and financial pressure.
  • You will learn how to raise capital for a new business or venture if needed.
  • You will learn to have a STRUCTURE in all your presentations and communications.
  • You will learn how to manage your STATE of mind, body, and emotions on a daily basis.



Phase I

  • Must be a Saudi National, UAE National.
  • Must be between 18 - 38 of age.
  • Must understand and speak English.
  • Must have a TOEFL IBT score of 80 and above, or PBT score of 550 and above, or IELTS score of 6 and above.
  • Must be coachable and have a positive mindset.
  • Must apply for sponsorship and be selected for a virtual interview.
  • Must have a ZOOM account (Download the recent version here).
  • Must have a computer with a webcam to attend the interview and the course (mobile attendance is not accepted for the interview).

Phase II

  • Must pass phase I of your interview and be officially accepted.
  • Must be officially approved for sponsorship of SAR 37,000 + VAT ($10,000 USD).
  • Must receive your acceptance letter signed by our founder.
  • Must provide a minimum of two written letters of recommendation that you are a responsible and accountable student, employee, or member of a community.
  • Must be familiar with the personal development, leadership development, and coaching mindset.
  • Must attain high standards, have a positive attitude, and reject average.
  • Must read and agree with our terms and conditions at the Saudi Youth Leadership course under Step Up International.


By receiving Saudi Youth Leadership certification, we will provide you job opportunities including high compensation and bonuses.


⚪  Complete a minimum of 20 modules (2 modules per month) within twelve consecutive months

⚪  Pass a presentation test with a score of 80% or above

⚪  Be punctual and respect other participants

⚪  Engage during the sessions and be on time

  Use the measurement system provided for your personal growth

By receiving Saudi Youth Leadership certification, we will provide you  job opportunities including high compensation and bonuses.


  •  Complete a minimum of 20 modules within twelve consecutive months
  •  Pass a presentation test with a score of 80% or above
  •  Be punctual and respect other participants
  •  Engage during the sessions and be on time
  •  Use the measurement system provided for your personal growth

One-Year Course Fee

SAR 37,000 + VAT

  • 2 Monthly Virtual Coaching Sessions

  • Training Manual Provided

  • Direct Feedback Coaching

  • Certification of Achievement

  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed 


COACH KARDAN is an entrepreneur and the CEO of three training companies in Japan, the UAE, and KSA. He is a management consultant and leadership trainer for government officials, leaders, and business executives. He is the author of two best-selling books and he has been delivering educational seminars and training programs to more than 35,000 leaders and managers in the last 20 years. In 2019 with the support of the UAE Federal Youth Authority, he served over 5,000 young Emiratis by conducting leadership workshops and training programs in several youth hubs around the country, and with the help of the youth, he initiated the “Emirates Youth Leadership Certification Program.” He is a certified trainer from the Leadership Academy in San Diego, California. COACH KARDAN has served thousands of young and senior leaders to improve their performance and increase the revenue of their organizations to more than 2,000% within 3-5 years. He has been an executive coach to Fortune 500 CEOs and their teams. He has lectured at several prestigious universities and institutions worldwide and has influenced millions of people with his inspirational stories, business strategies, and life lessons.




James Skinner

Business Consultant

James Skinner’s distinguished career includes running a $2 billion hedge fund, being the CEO of Franklin Covey Japan, and teaching AI to students in 46 countries. He has authored 20 consecutive best-selling books, including producing the first best-selling book ever authored by AI, which was selected as the Best Book in China in 2023. He consulted for over 150 multinational companies and government organizations and has coached over 300,000 individuals. He studied international business at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan, and AI and Business Strategy at MIT. His TEDx talk about AI has been viewed over half a million times and he has been featured on TV, radio, magazines, and newspapers around the world, from CNN to the Financial Times, Forbes, the Economist, and more. 



Prof. Dr. Danny Rabah

Saudi Uro-Oncology Group Chairman of the Saudi Urological Association

Professor. Danny Munther Rabah, is the chairman of several scientific committees inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including the scientific committee of the annual forum on prostate cancer. He is the Saudi Uro-Oncology Group chairman of the Saudi Urological Association. He is also an adjunct professor of urology at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Professor Rabah is currently the Supervisor of Cancer Research Chair at the Faculty of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He is a urology consultant, and was the Head of the Surgery Department and the Urology Division. A member of the Scientific Council of Urology in the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties and the International Academy of Health Sciences in the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia. He has published over 100 scientific papers, several book chapters, translated books, and two patents from the US Patent and Trademark Office for his research on prostate and bladder cancer. He had won numerous national and international awards.


Christopher Gunson

Legal Advisor, Business Consultant, and an international lawyer

Christopher Gunson is a lawyer in the Dubai office of AMERELLER. He has been in the UAE since 2009, during which time he has represented more than 300 Japanese clients on a broad range of commercial transactions and strategic investments. Christopher is fluent in Japanese and is admitted to the bar in New York State. His practice covers the Middle East region and beyond and he has represented clients on business in more than forty countries.  He is also a frequent author and commentator in news media concerning developments in the legal sector and the oil and gas sector. 



Dr. Fatima Al Shamsi

Master Coach Trainer

Dr. Fatima Al Shamsi is a Master Coach Trainer, and her training is based on solid studies and practice. For 35 years, Dr. Fatima has dedicated herself to helping people find their best possible selves through coaching and administration. Her skills are unparalleled in leadership, project management, and knowledge retention capabilities. She is an expert in her field with various training and coaching diplomas like the Diploma of Training Expert and the Diploma of Professional International Trainer.



Dr. Sami Mohammed Handley

Human Capital Development Strategist

Dr. Sami is a seasoned professional with over 25 years of experience across various industries, including distribution, finance, and environmental sectors within the Human Capital and Learning function. He has worked in numerous global blue-chip organizations holding senior positions including ‘C’ level with a breadth of expertise and knowledge across human capital and talent development, organizational effectiveness, and organizational design. He has worked on numerous high-profile projects including the London Olympics and the development of a standalone academy that represented the environmental and sustainable sector. He has been awarded numerous accolades that include top CHRO, top 100 leaders in education, and latterly an outstanding leadership award. His career has been a constant development path with his recent achievement being awarded a PhD, here he published a paper that explored the differences and challenges associated with vocational qualifications and academic routes within the UAE. Overall, Dr. Sami has a plethora of experience and an energy to match leveraging both life experiences and work experiences to motivate, develop and inspire people around him.


Dr. Maya Al Hawary

Emotional Intelligence Expert

Dr. Maya Al Hawary is the first Ph.D. scholar to research Emotional Intelligence and its effect on leadership. She is a certified trainer on soft skills in the UAE government. She has trained around the country in all the seven emirates and also a motivational speaker and a social media influencer on all social media platforms. She is the Chairwoman of the board of governors and the director of planning for Dubai Carmel School. She is a TedEx speaker of 2019 on tolerance. She won the best speaker award of the year 2021 for Emirates Youth Leadership Program.


Jairek Robbins

High-Performance Coach

Jairek Robbins is the former president of Success Magazine and the founder of Performance Coach University. He is a No.1 New York bestselling author, performance coach & lifestyle entrepreneur. Jairek was awarded the Congressional Award (Gold Medal) from the United States Congress for his outstanding performance as a coach and the results he has created for clients. He is dedicated to helping professionals to achieve success by living with purpose in life and business.



Boeing-777 Emirates Airline Pilot & Professional Speaker

Nouf Omar is the youngest Emirati female pilot, and the first professional speaker in the United Arab Emirates certified by COACH KARDAN under Step Up International. Nouf started following her dream at the age of 17, where she was committed to serving her country through aviation. She’s an example of possibilities for other young Emiratis with big dreams and goals. Nouf is a passionate speaker; her story always inspires people to strive for greater achievements.


Glenys Henry

Management Coach and Trainer

A highly skilled educator and professional with over 15 years of coaching experience in the Middle East. She has designed and delivered over 100 workshops focused on coaching training, communication, leadership and team effectiveness. Glenys is currently delivering a unique leadership and coaching program to educators in New Zealand and several other countries. She successfully supervised educational research in the Middle East based around the impact of coaching, resulting in some of the first school-based coaching research in the region. She established a teacher training program for pre-service Emirati teachers at Higher Colleges of Technology, designed and delivered the MA Education (Coaching) at Middlesex University Dubai.






 Terms & Conditions


 Terms & Conditions

Contact Us

Level 41, Emirates Towers, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai. P.O Box 31303

Mon-Sat: 10:00 - 18:00


© 2024 Step Up International Coach Kardan

All Rights Reserved